Total circulation: 80,800+
Publishers data - Print & Digital
Reach the largest audience of snow removal contractors when they are making purchase decisions for the upcoming snow season.
Published Annually in September/October
Mailed with four leading magazines: Green Industry Pros, Equipment Today, Pavement Maintenance & Reconstruction and Concrete Contractor

a leading voice
that keeps landscape contractors, landscape architects and design builders, ground maintenance facilities and chemical lawn care companies on top of the latest products, trends, technologies and business strategies that help with growth, productivity and profitability for their operations.​

WHO WE REACH: corporate management and supervisory personnel employed with landscape companies performing some combination of lawn maintenance, design/build and installation, lawn care and irrigation.
Green Industry Pros
Audience by business & industry
Publisher's Data from July - December 2024
Combined Print & Digital Audience
Landscape Contractor - 42,972
Chemical Lawn Care Company - 1,144
Ground Maintenance Facilities - 8,648
Landscape Architect/Design Build - 1,894
Power Equipment Dealer - 3,348
Total Audience: 58,006
Total Audience: 58,006
Green Industry Pros
Audience %
By Job Title
Publisher's Data from July - December 2024
Combined Print & Digital Audience
Corporate Management
Supervisory Management

Women in the Green Industry
Recognizes outstanding female executives whose accomplishments offer a roadmap for other leaders looking to leverage the landscape industry for competitive advantage.
Editor's Choice Awards
Recognizes the hottest products, equipment and software in the landscape industry.